pywaterflood: Waterflood Connectivity Analysis#

pywaterflood provides tools for capacitance resistance modeling, a physics-inspired model for estimating waterflood performance. It estimates the connectivities and time decays between injectors and producers. With pressure data, it can compensate for changing bottom-hole conditions at the producers.

With no data, or in the planning stage, pywaterflood.calc_gains_homogeneous can very quickly predict connectivities assuming a homogeneous, rectangular reservoir.

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Getting started

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User guide

The user guide provides in-depth documentation on library features for pywaterflood.

API reference

The reference guide contains a detailed description of the functions, modules, and objects included in pywaterflood. The reference describes how the methods work and which parameters can be used.

Contributor’s guide

Spotted a typo in the documentation? Want to add to the codebase? The contributing guidelines will guide you through the process of improving pywaterflood.